Board Minutes April 11, 2024
Helena Township Board Meeting April 11th, 2024
Meeting called to order at 7:00 PM by Supervisor Peeples. Members present were Butch Peeples, Cathy Rice, David Peterson and Butch Bartz with Bonnie Robbins absent. Motion by Bartz to approve the agenda as submitted, supported by Rice and approved. Motion by Rice to approve the March 14th meeting minutes as submitted, supported by Bartz and approved.
Conflict of Interest: None
Public Comment: (3 minute limit); Stacy Truesdell introduced herself and spoke about her qualifications. She is running for Antrim County probate judge. Barry Cole introduced himself and spoke about his qualifications. He is running for Antrim County probate judge.
Treasurer’s Report: beginning balance March 1st, 2024 is $902,469.58
Total receipts: $17,682.71 and total disbursements: $42,500.51
Ending balance March 31, 2024 is $877,651.78
Presentation of Bills: March 1-31; $29,029.86 and April 1-11; $42,500.51
Fire Chief/Sheriff Report: Reviewed South Torch Lake Fire & Rescue report from Chief Paul Fabiano, AC Sheriff report from Kevin Hoch, County Commissioner report from Terry VanAlstine, Township Ambulance Authority report; 9 ambulance runs and 1 mutual aid run, from Rick Teague who were all present. All reports are linked with the minutes on the township website,
Communications: None
Speaker: Antrim County Conservation District; executive director Melissa Zelenak introduced Green committee coordinator, Emma Fitzgerald who spoke about Green program. Kyle Williams spoke about CAKE SISMA and grant funding for invasive species in 4 county area.
Committee Reports:
Zoning: Reviewed Bob Logee’s zoning report
Parks & Rec: Jim Gurr announced April 3rd meeting will invite local volunteer groups so summer projects can be discussed if they are on township property.
Planning Commission: Jim Gurr announced election of officers; Sue Moglovkin – chair, Mike Robinson—vice chair and Jim Gurr – secretary.
Next meeting May 2 with public hearing. May 8th MSU extension summit on saving the farm at Haggerty Center.
Roads: Alden Meadows and East Torch Lake Drive will be done in 2024. Maintenance on Cemetery road to be done in 2024. Other roads in the village will be included with this season’s work schedule.
New Business: Sidewalk and curb in NW front of the community center to be done April 15-16, 2024.
Old Business: Kitchen remodel is almost complete. New bulletin boards to be installed in the community center foyer. Monday, April 15th scaffolding will be put up in the gym to remove old ceiling fan and install new ceiling fan.
Rice made the motion to approve the proposed bid for addition to the pavilion ($16,000+) at the tennis court park with second by Bartz and motion carried.
Rice informed board that blinds for all the windows in the community center have been purchased for $6,000.00.
Announcements: None
Motion to pay bills: Bartz made the motion to pay the bills, supported by Rice. All present voted yes, motion carried.
Public Comment: Jim Gurr commented. Paul Fabiano announced that John Roth will be at the fire house meeting Friday.
Teresa Sherman announced that the 150th anniversary of the founding of the Alden United Methodist Church in 1884 will be celebrated at the community center August 24th, 2024.
Adjournment by call of the chair at 8:20 PM.
Prepared by Helena Township Clerk: David Peterson
Commissioner Report March 2024