Board Budget Minutes June 20, 2024
Meeting called to order at 7:00 pm by Supervisor Peeples.
Pledge of Allegiance:
Approval of agenda: Motion by Robbins to approve the agenda with support by Rice and motion carried.
Conflicts of Interest: None
Public Comment: Mike Bertram of the Township Ambulance Authority (TAA) spoke.
Steve Dell recommended the township board include the cost of resurfacing the tennis courts; $26,900.00, to the budget. Board discussion and resurfacing will not be included in this year’s budget.
Paul Sak would like one more level of detail under funds indicating increases in wages.
Members of the audience sought clarification on the 18% salary increase for treasurer and clerk. Robbins explained the increase represented monies already being paid to the treasurer though a board resolution. The resolution was meant to pay for the hours added when the tax collection went to twice a year. The clerk’s salary increase represents the addition of over 400 hours for nine-day early voting over the course of a four-year term and the increase in hours to administrate elections due to changes at the state level. All monies paid for duties assigned by statutory regulation must be included in the salary and not added by resolutions. This change brings all pay to the treasurer and clerk into the salary for full transparency.
Presentation of budget:
STLFD – Fire Chief Paul Fabiano
Helena Township – Treasurer Cathy Rice
Reviewed South Torch Lake Fire District budget for July, 2024 through June, 2025 presented by Paul Fabiano. Discussion followed. Budget corrected; $9000.00 less, to $550,632.00 because tax income should not have included the personal property amount of $9000.00.
Robbins made the motion to approve the corrected TLFD budget for July, 2024 through June, 2025 with support from Bartz and motion was approved.
Robbins made the motion to set the TLFD millage at 3 mils with support from Rice and motion was approved.
The Helena Township Treasurer, Cathy Rice, presented the township’s proposed 2024-2025 budget. Discussion followed.
Approval of budget: Robbins made the motion to adopt the July 1, 2024 through June, 2025 township budget – $983,417.00 with support from Bartz and the motion was approved.
Resolution: Supervisor read salary increase resolutions for all 7 salaried positions. Robbins made the motion to approve salary increases by 2.4% resolutions for the supervisor, treasurer, clerk, two trustees, deputy clerk and deputy treasurer with second by Bartz and motion carried. Roll call vote was yes (5) for each board member.
Public Comment: On above items: (3 minute limit): Inquired about the security of the treasurer’s tax records. Questions about township audits.
Comments by Lori Sak and Paul Sak.
Adjournment: Meeting adjourned by Supervisor Peeples at 7:42 pm.
Helena township Clerk, David Peterson