Township Board Minutes – March 12th, 2015
Helena Township Board Meeting
March 12th, 2015
Meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM with the Pledge of Allegiance by Supervisor Rick Teague. Present: Catherine Rice, David Peterson, Bonnie Robbins and Butch Bartz. Motion to approve revised agenda by Robbins with support by Teague and motion carried.
Conflict of Interest: None
Public Comment: None
Approval of minutes: Motion by Robbins to approve Februarys meetings minutes with support by Rice and the motion carried.
Treasurers Report: Township: Beginning balance as of February 1st, 2015 $521,829.20
Receipts $119,469.62
Disbursements $30,173.99
Bank balance 02/28/2015 $611,124.83
Motion to approve the Treasurers report by Teague with support by Bartz and motion carried.
Presentation of bills: February 1-28, 2015 – $18,474.48 and March 1-12; 2015 $6,411.34
Speakers: Sheriff Dan bean gave report for February and delivered the agreement for supplemental law enforcement services for the Alden Safe Harbor Mooring Ordinance no. 71113 of 2013 for signatures. Township supervisor signed three copies of the agreement and returned to the Sheriff.
Communications: Received communication from Helena Township resident Bob Robbins concerning standing water at Depot Park. Teague contacted Antrim County Road Commission and their response and concern is getting the water off the road and any further work to redirect the standing water would require the township to incur those costs. Peterson to contact Heidi Shaffer, soil and erosion officer, for possible solution for standing water.
Committee Reports:
Zoning – Zoning Administrator Guy Molby gave report for February, 2015.
Planning Commission Robbins reported that the public hearing proceedings for the Walker Shores Site Plan had been completed. Robbins reviewed the motion and conditions of approval adopted as planning commission recommendations which cover before a land use permit is issued and during and after construction.
Township attorney Kate Redman answered questions and recommended to the board that the board requires the condo association to carry liability insurance to cover the costs of cleanup in the event of malfunctions by the community wastewater system. Teague made the recommendation that the revised recommendations under Part 31 in attorney Kate Redmans memorandum dated February 23rd, 2015 and this liability insurance coverage be additional conditions to the Walker Shores Site Plan.
Robbins made the motion to proceed to approve:
- the Planning Commissions March 4ths motion and conditions of approval adopted recommendations of the Walker Shores Site Plan
- liability insurance for the community wastewater system by the condo association indemnifying Helena Township
- revisions and recommendations under Part 31 outlined in Kate Redmans memorandum dated February 23rd, 2015
- written confirmation from Kate Redman and Tim Latham, to the zoning administrator, Guy Molby and supervisor Rick Teague that all of the conditions of the Walker Shores Site Plan and changes to the condo association bylaws have been met before a land use permit is issued by the zoning administratorAmbulance Authority As of April 1st, 2015, the TAA will have a new third party biller but the employees will remain the same.Roads: The board received an estimate for asphalt paving Paige road from the top of the hill to Chapman Road.New Business: Teague spoke about estimate for replacing the windows in the community center and still need installation costs – no action taken. Attorney Chris Bzdok, representing the STLFD, gave a review of the establishment in 1989 of the SAD; special assessment district under PA 33. The township board is responsible for annually reviewing and approving the STLFD budget and setting the annual levy (millage) with the maximum cap of 10 mils. The STLFD is asking to increase the millage from 1.5 mils to 3.0 mils for 2016. The board asked the STLFD to provide the proposed fire boards budget reflecting the increased millage amount of 3.0 mils. by April first. There will be a joint meeting of STLFD and township representatives in May to review the proposed fire boards budget. June 17th, 2015, there will be a public hearing for the proposed STLFDs budget which will be opened and closed before the township budget hearing is opened and closed. At least 15 days before the scheduled public hearings specific notice must be published in the local paper; Antrim Review.Additional Public comment: Jim Gurr thanked the fire department for their services and also thanked the board for their public service.Meeting was adjourned by call of the Chair at 8:16 PM.
- Respectfully submitted, David G. Peterson Jr., Helena Township Clerk_ David G. Peterson Jr.
- Motion to pay bills: Rice made the motion to pay the bills with support by Teague and motion carried.
- Announcements: None
- Bzdok explained the role of the township board under PA 33 which establishes special assessment districts. The township board reviews the fire boards budget, holds a public hearing consecutively with the townships annual budget hearing and votes to levy the millage necessary for the proposed STLFDs budget.
- Old Business: None
- Parks and Recreation Committee Steve Dell prepared and gave the board a breakdown of the estimated costs of the Michigan recreation Passport Grant that was approved for resurfacing the tennis courts. Dell and Peterson to meet with engineer March 16th.
- Teague supported the motion and the motion carried.