Township Board Minutes – April 9th, 2015
Helena Township Board Meeting
April 9th, 2015
Meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM with the Pledge of Allegiance by Supervisor Rick Teague. Present: Catherine Rice, David Peterson, Bonnie Robbins and Butch Bartz was absent. Motion to approve revised agenda by Robbins with support by Rice and motion carried.
Conflict of Interest: None
Public Comment: None
Approval of minutes: Motion by Robbins to approve amended Marchs meetings minutes with support by Teague and the motion carried.
Treasurers Report: Township: Beginning balance as of March 1st, 2015 $611,124.83
Receipts $11,392.03
Disbursements $22,702.56
Bank balance 02/28/2015 $590,746.68
Motion to approve the Treasurers report by Teague with support by Robbins and motion carried.
Presentation of bills: March 1-31, 2015 – $21,836.96 and April 1-9; 2015 $7,643.10
Speakers: Burt Thompson reviewed Proposal 1 for the special election; May 5th, 2015.
Communications: Peterson commented on the county funded recycling program
Committee Reports:
Zoning – Zoning Administrator Guy Molby gave report for March, 2015.
Planning Commission Robbins reported that the ZBA officers were reappointed. A public hearing is scheduled for April 17th for fireworks sales. Representatives from Three Lakes Association and Thayer Lake spoke about septic tank inspections prior to the sale of property.
Ambulance Authority No report.
Parks and Recreation Committee Ruth Smith presented the board for a request for the township maintenance person to look into removing the rebar in the concrete pieces along the north shore of the Alden Safe harbor.
Roads: No report. Bartz absent.
Old Business: Teague presented the board with a proposal for new windows for the community center for $11,564.71 from Alden lumber and a proposal from McDiarmid for the installation of the windows for $4575.00. Rice made the motion to accept both proposals with support by Robbins and the motion carried.
New Business: Teague presented proposal to replace heater cabinet (including installation and wiring) for $5490.00 by Clark & Sons Plumbing & Heating. Peterson made the motion to accept the proposal for replacing the heater cabinet with support by Teague and the motion carried.
Steve Dell presented an engineering proposal from Gourdie-Fraser for the DNR Passport Grant received for resurfacing the tennis courts. Rice made the motion to accept this proposal from Gourdie-Fraser with support by Teague and the motion carried. Rice made the motion to accept the DNR grant agreement with support by Teague and the roll call vote was four yes and one absent.
Announcements: Teague appointed Brad Gerlach to the Parks and Recreation. Teague announced STLFD and Helena Township budget hearing meetings are June 17th at 10:00 AM.
Additional Public comment: Jim Gurr thanked Parks & Recreation Committee for their work.
Motion to pay bills: Rice made motion to pay bills with support by Teague and motion carried.
Meeting was adjourned by call of the Chair at 8:22 PM.
Respectfully submitted, David G. Peterson Jr., Helena Township Clerk_ David G. Peterson Jr.