Township Board Minutes – July 9th, 2015
Helena Township Board Meeting
July 9th, 2015
Meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Supervisor Rick Teague. Present: Catherine Rice, David Peterson, Bonnie Robbins and Butch Bartz. Motion to approve agenda by Bartz with support by Robbins and motion carried.
Conflict of Interest: None
Public Comment: Laura Westerman spoke in reference to her letter about issues related to July 3rd at the ball park.
Approval of minutes: Motion by Robbins to approve Junes minutes with support by Bartzand the motion carried.
Treasurers Report: Township: Beginning balance as of June1st, 2015 $411,967.65
Receipts $14,222.92
Disbursements $32,996.67
Bank balance 06/30/2015 $393,193.90
Motion to approve the Treasurers report by Teague with support by Bartz and motion carried.
The treasurer reviewed the final adjusted budget through June for the 2015-2016 budget.
Presentation of bills: June 1-30, 2015 – $23,731.87 and July 1-9; 2015 $3,784.90.
Speakers: None
Communications: None
Committee Reports:
Zoning – Zoning Administrator Guy Molby gave report for May, 2015.
Planning Commission Robbins reported PC discussed private roads, fines, fences, sign placement, RV use, accessory buildings, and special use for the Master Plan review. There was also discussion on proposed septic tank inspection at point of sale/transfer and no action taken.
Ambulance Authority No update.
Parks and Recreation Committee Ruth Smith reported that Steve Dell had submitted a grant request for toddler equipment for the tennis court park to the Tribe.
Peterson informed the board that the new parking lot at Coy Mtn. was nearly complete.
Roads: Bartz reported that both road projects would begin towards the end of July; both ends of Cemetery road and paving Paige road from E. Torch Lake Drive to Chapman road.
Old Business: None
New Business: None
Announcements: None
Additional Public comment: Jim Gurr informed board that he has tickets for a meeting at the Great Wolf Lodge in Traverse City property rights and liberty must come first featuring Tom DeWeese and Kris Anne Hall on Sunday, August 2, 2015 from 1:00 to 5:00 PM.
Motion to pay bills: Teague made motion to pay bills with support by Rice and motion carried.
Meeting was adjourned by call of the Chair at 7:31 PM.
Respectfully submitted, David G. Peterson Jr., Helena Township Clerk_ David G. Peterson Jr.