Board Minutes June 13, 2024
Helena Township Board Meeting June 13th, 2024
Meeting called to order at 7:00 PM by Supervisor Peeples. Members present were Butch Peeples, Cathy Rice, David Peterson, Butch Bartz and Bonnie Robbins. Motion by Bartz to approve the agenda as submitted, supported by Rice and approved. Motion by Rice to approve the March 14th May 9th meeting minutes as submitted, supported by Bartz and approved.
Conflict of Interest: None
Public Comment: (3 minute limit) Community blood drive, Friday 21 from 9:00 Am to 1:30 Pm at South Torch Lake Fire Department in Alden.
Treasurer’s Report: beginning balance May 1st, 2024 is $793,710.85
Total receipts: $6,864.66 and total disbursements: $38,754.40
Ending balance May 31, 2024 is $761,821.11
Motion to approve the treasurer’s report by Robbins, supported by Bartz and approved.
Presentation of Bills: May 1-31; $27,692.28 and June 1-13; $18,933.35
Fire Chief/Sheriff Report: Reviewed South Torch Lake Fire & Rescue report from Chief Paul Fabiano. STLFD at 3 mils; passed in 2017, will be ok for next 8 years.
AC Sheriff report from Kevin Hoch, County Commissioner report from Terry VanAlstine, Township Ambulance Authority report; 8 ambulance runs and no mutual aid runs, from Rick Teague and who were all present. All reports are linked with the minutes on the township website,
Communications: None
Speaker: Attorney for STLFD, Todd Milar, reviewed and discussed resolution confirming fire administrative board and delegation of authority with the township board. Robbins requested MCLA 41.812 (1) be included for clarification.
Committee Reports:
Zoning: Reviewed Bob Logee’s zoning report.
Parks & Rec: Steve Dell presented board with a tennis court proposal to fill and repair cracks, resurface courts and paint tennis and pickleball lines for $26,900.00 by Tennis Courts Limited. Discussion followed. No motion entertained.
Planning Commission: Fay Vandenberg appointed secretary; recording secretary.
Reviewed renewable energy ordinance approved by Planning Commission. Robbins made the motion to adopt the renewable energy ordinance with support by Rice and motion carried. Ordinance to be effective on the 28th of June, 2024.
Paul Sak requests the township board and supervisor to request the planning commission to take up short term rentals. Sak requests the planning commission to reschedule the canceled July meeting.
Roads: Bartz reported resurfacing on section of East Torch Lake Drive is completed. Future work on additional roads to be scheduled.
New Business: Tennis Court pavilion expansion to be completed by July, 27th.
Front parking lot at community center asphalt coating bids reviewed. Robbins made the motion to accept bid from JAHR of $9806.98 using Gator Pave, with support by Bartz and motion was approved.
Community cleanup day by GFL June 22nd from 8:00 to noon is scheduled to be at the rear of the community center.
ZBA training including alternates and planning commission members to be scheduled.
Old Business: Board agreed to replace the second ceiling fan in the gym.
Announcements: Helena Township budget hearing scheduled for Thursday, June 20 at 7:00 pm
Motion to pay bills: Bartz made the motion to pay the bills, supported by Robbins. All present voted yes, motion carried.
Speakers: None
Public Comment: Lori Saks commented on short term rentals. Jim Gurr commented.
Adjournment by call of the chair at 8:42 PM.
Prepared by Helena Township Clerk: David Peterson