Township Board Minutes – March 11, 2010
Helena Township Board Meeting
March 11, 2010
The meeting was called to order at 7pm by Supervisor Wagner, pledge of allegiance was said. Present: Rice, Peterson, Wagner, Gurr, Teague. Audience: 5.
Motion to approve agenda with changes by Gurr, support Teague, motion carried.
Public comment: Ann Boyle recruiter for the CENSUS spoke about the need to fill
temporary positions at $11.25/Hr. plus mileage at $0.50/mile. Testing to be done in
Bellaire, Central Lake, Mancelona, and Elk Rapids. Jobs to last 4-6 weeks and the
training to begin in April. 85% of the jobs are enumerators who follow up.
Motion by Gurr, support by Teague to approve February minutes with changes,
motion carried.
Treasurer’s report: Library beginning balance $60,870.29
Receipts $40,267.90
Disbursements $6,603.49
Bank balance 02/28/10 $94,534.70
C.D.’s $46,417.12 & 15,525.72
Total of Assets $156,477.54
Township beginning balance $343,002.25
Receipts $149,134.43
General Fund Disbursements $22,345.54
Cemetery $1,003.52
Building $11,027.36
Total Disbursements $34,376.42
Ending balance as of 02/28/10 $457,760.26
Motion to approve treasurer’s report by Wagner, support Gurr, motion carried.
Presentation of bills: Township Feb. 15-28, 2010 $27,994.19
Mar. 1-15, 2010 $52,824.61 includes payroll of $17,786.64
STLFD $22,697.23
Library no report
Communications: No speakers. Received letter/complaint of unpleasant smells from
recycling bins. Information to be passed on to County planning dept.
Committee reports: Molby reported no new land use permits issued. ClamLake
Access matter (riparian bottomlands apportionment) to be discussed at April’s
township meeting.
Ambulance authority: Rick Teague updated; annual budget public meeting
scheduled for 31st of March at Forest Home Township and discussion of possible
new location to house ambulances in Mancelona.
Planning Commission: Jim Gurr reported no action taken on proposed ORV Alden Road Closure draft and the Wind Turbine Ordinance draft. Proposed joint meeting of Planning Commission and Township Board in order to facilitate discussions of the two proposed ordinances.
Old business: None
New business: Letter read from Planning Commission member Joe Bassil to Michigan Governor with concerns over early release of prisoners to half-way houses throughout local communities.
Clerk issues: Reviewed and discussed bonding amounts for clerk and deputy clerk. No action required. Proposed credit card with $300.00 limit for charging gasoline for maintenance employee with clerk as second signer. Gurr made a motion for new credit card with $300.00 limit, support by Wagner and motion passed. Wagner to write up resolution. Proposed purchase of two drawer lateral filing cabinet with 1 hour fire rating to store permanent records. To be considered for under the new budget. Proposed purchase of new computer and accessories including new accounting software. Rice made motion, support by Wagner and motion passed to spend up to $1000.00 for computer, accessories and software. Discussion of needed repairs to 1992 township truck and purchase of a new used ¾ ton truck with four wheel drive in the range of $15,000 to $18,000. Purchase to be discussed at next board meeting.
Rice informed board about county will purchase new BS&A programs/software and that they will expect townships to reimburse for new programs/software.
Upcoming availability of health insurance plans from Michigan for township employees to be discussed at the next township board meeting.
Announcements: Update of township dock proposal received and reviewed from Gourdie-Fraser. Currently on item #11 of 23 and proposal in hands of DNR Recommends that township install old docks for this summer use.
Additional public comment: Guy Molby discussed details of Clam Lake Access drawings for discussion at next township board meeting.
Motion to pay bills by Wagner, support Gurr, motion passed.
Meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
David G. Peterson Jr.
Helena Township Clerk