Township Board Minutes – March 8, 2012
Helena Township Board Meeting
March 8, 2012
The meeting was called to order at 7:02 PM by Penny Wagner and pledge of allegiance was said. Present: Wagner, Peterson, Gurr, Teague and Rice. Motion to approve agenda by Rice and support by Teague, motion carried.
Conflict of Interest: None
Public Comment: Sheriff Dan Bean made report.
Approval of minutes: Teague made motion to approve the minutes with support by Rice and motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Township beginning balance as February 1, 2012 $327,689.21
Receipts $150,513.05
General Fund Disbursements $14,291.38
Cemetery & Bldg. $10,632.61
Total Disbursements $24,923.99
TOTAL BANK BALANCE as of February 29, 2012 $453,278.27
Motion to approve treasurer’s report with corrections by Wagner, support by Teague; motion carried. Twp. Treasurer met with Library Board President at the Alden Bank to sign off on Helena Twp. Public Library accounts & CD’s. The transition to a district Library is now complete.
Presentation of bills: Township: February 1-29, 2012: $14,792.62 and March 1-8, 2012: $1,022.92
Speakers: Scheduled speakers; Cemetery road residents, to be on April’s agenda.
Communications: None
Committee reports: Zoning administrator. Molby gave report.
Planning Commission: Gurr reported that the Planning Commission had reviewed the County’s comments on the revised Helena Township’s zoning ordinance. The final draft would be made available for April’s township board meeting.
Ambulance authority: Parks & Recreation: No report.
Old business: The estimate for a cemetery sign to be postponed until April’s meeting.
Board discussed an operating millage and decided not to pursue at this time. Current renewal language for building millage postponed for April’s meeting.
Board discussed proposal for new chairs and new chair racks. Rice suggested that new wheels be used to better facilitate pushing chair racks. Previous approved racks would not fit
Peterson informed board that Alpers is obtaining bids to repair and/or replace roof on community center. There are five minor leaks in the roof at the community center.
Peterson informed board that a policy needs to be developed for persons who inherit Helena Township Cemetery plots. Board will review policy draft during April’s meeting.
Peterson presented board with the new Depot Park use agreement. Discussion followed with Rice making the motion to accept the new Depot Park Use Agreement with a suggested donation of $50.00 for events which have more than 20 persons, with support by Gurr and motion passed.
Announcements: None
Additional Public Comment: None
Motion to pay bills by Wagner, support by Gurr, and motion passed.
Meeting adjourned at 7:24 PM.
Respectfully submitted, Helena Township Clerk
David G. Peterson Jr.
David G. Peterson Jr.