Township Board Minutes – October 8, 2009
Helena Township Board Meeting
October 8, 2009
The meeting was called to order at 7pm by Supervisor Wagner, the pledge of allegiance was said. Present: Rice, Wagner, Gurr, Teague, absent: Frank, audience: 9.
Motion to approve the agenda by Gurr, support Teague, all in favor.
Motion to approve minutes of the September meeting by Rice, support Gurr, all in favor.
Treasurer’s report: Beginning balance HT Public Library $49,815.18
Receipts 502.98
Disbursements 9045.21
CD 46417.12
CD 15379.41
Ending balance HT Public Library $103,069.48
Helena Township beginning balance $ 286,799.68
Receipts 7,349.72
Disbursements 26,685.32
Ending balance $ 267,464.08
Motion to approve Treasurer’s report by Wagner, support Gurr, all in favor.
Presentation of bills: Township, September in addition $200.94
October $ 23,508.99
No report for Library or Fire district.
Speakers: P. Barren from Applied Energy Solutions spoke on the grant available to update and do repairs.
Communications: Sheriff Report, B. Shannon, K. Masck
Committee reports: Molby reported on zoning, Teague on Ambulance, Gurr for planning commission.
Old Business: none.
New business: Insurance review, zoning permit for deck, building capacity reviewed.
Announcements: Historical marker is in place.
Additional Public comment: Ambulance and Fire district doing excellent job
Motion to pay bills by Wagner; support Gurr, all in favor. Meeting adjourned at 8:25pm.
V.F. Frank,
Helena Township Clerk