Township Board Minutes – November 12, 2009
Helena Township Board Meeting
November 12, 2009
The meeting was called to order at 7pm by Supervisor Wagner; the pledge of allegiance was said. Present: Rice, Frank, Wagner, Gurr, Teague. Audience: 5
Motion to approve agenda as written by Teague, support Frank, all in favor.
Public Comment: Sheriff Bean addressed ORV ordinance passed by County Commissioners, comments by Dave Peterson, he will head a committee to look into Helena Township’s concerns.
Motion to approve minutes of October meeting by Wagner, support Rice, all in favor.
Treasurer’s report: Helena Township Public Library;
Beginning balance Oct. 2009 $41,272.95
Receipts 1,745.16
Disbursements 11,859.57
Ending balance $31,158.54
CD 46,417.12
CD 15,379.41
Total asset availability $92,955.07
Helena Township;
Beginning balance Oct 2009 $267,464.08
Receipts 13,430.77
Disbursements 24,251.98
Ending balance $256,642.87
Motion to approve treasurer’s report by Wagner, support Gurr, all in favor.
Presentation of bills: Helena Township, November $26,885.35
Helena Township Library; Oct $11,859.57
Nov 4,765.74
STLFD $2,077.19
Communications: Sheriff’s report, J. Wade of Gourdie Fraser, still waiting a response from the DNR for docks, Alden’s Men Group, Alden Volunteers.
Committee reports: Molby updated on zoning issues, motion by Rice, to hire Corey Hughes for a surveyor job, support Teague, all in favor. Gurr updated on planning commission, Teague updated on ambulance authority, Alden Volunteers updated on walking bridge.
Old business: none.
New business: Resolution 1112009, motion by Gurr, support Wagner, roll call vote;
Rice-yes, Frank-yes, Teague-yes, Gurr-yes, Wagner-yes, all in favor.
Road update, grant received by Antrim Cty Rd Commission to pave the sides of the road of SE Torch Lake Drive, townships will pay percentage, tabled for invoice from County.
Master Plan review, motion by Teague, support Wagner to adopt new Master Plan to be
effective January 1, 2010, all in favor.
Additional public comment: none.
Motion by Wagner, support Rice to pay the bills. Meeting adjourned at 8:10pm.
Respectfully submitted,
- Ferol Frank, Helena Township Clerk