Township Board Minutes – March 14, 2013
Helena Township Board Meeting
March 14, 2013
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Supervisor Rick Teague and pledge of allegiance was said. Present: Teague, Rice, Peterson, Robbins, and Bartz. Motion to approve agenda by Robbins with support by Bartz, motion carried.
Conflict of Interest: None
Public Comment: Cemetery Road resident, Mary Ann Stimpson, described icy conditions on Cemetery Road (North of Helena Road) and the need for sand and salt and improved drainage.
Approval of minutes: Bartz made the motion to approve the minutes from the February Township Board Meeting with support by Rice and motion carried.
Treasurers Report: Township beginning balance as of February 1, 2013 $356,942.68
Receipts $159,757.08
General Fund Disbursements $14,093.92
Cemetery & Bldg. $5,412.25
Ambulance $11,000.88
Total Disbursements $30,507.05
Total Bank balance as of 12/31/2012 $486,192.71
12 month road CD of $70,000.00
Motion to approve treasurers report by Teague with support by Robbins, motion carried.
Presentation of bills: Township: February 1-28, 2013: $21,842.81 and March 1-14, 2013: $32,972.03.
Speakers: Patty Niepoth, Antrim County Register of Deeds introduced herself to the new township trustees.
Communications: Rice informed board that she had sent a letter to the Helena Township Historical Society informing them that they had used the Townships tax ID number for their CD. Peterson to follow up with a phone call to Paul DeLange.
Committee reports: Zoning administrator. Molby gave report.
Planning Commission: Trustee Bonnie Robbins commented that there was no meeting in March.
Ambulance Authority: Rick Teague reported that the Ambulance Authority in Mancelona expects to install a back up generators in the next 60 days and replace an older ambulance.
Parks & Recreation: Ruth Ann Smith reported that in May a garlic pull at Coy Mtn. will be scheduled.
Old business: None
New Business: Teague made the motion to accept the appointees to the Board of Review with support by Rice and motion carried. Steve Dell, Ken Renaud, Steve Kershner and Dorothy Cole were appointed to the Board of Review with Bob Logee recording the minutes.
The Alden Mens Club requested the boards permission to apply for a charitable Gaming License which the board agreed to.
Announcements: None
Additional Public Comment: Paul Sak invited board members to a meeting on January 30th at the YMCA (Camp Hiawatha) for local government representatives put on by the local environmental groups.
Motion to pay bills by Teague, with support Robbins, and motion passed.
Meeting adjourned at 7:55 PM.
Respectfully submitted, Helena Township Clerk
David G. Peterson Jr.