Planning Commission Minutes – August 1, 2012
Minutes of Helena Township Planning Commission
August 1, 2012
Meeting called to order by Swan at 7:01 p.m.
Opened with Pledge of Allegiance.
Roll Call: Present: Jim Swan Jim Gurr
Chris Dewald Bonnie Robbins
Bob Johnson
Absent: Mike Robinson Roger Dewey
Township officials present: Guy Molby
Approval of Agenda: Addition under New Business, Car Wash Vacuums Motion: Gurr, 2nd Robbins. Carried (5,0)
Statement of Conflict of Interest: None
Approval of Minutes: no minutes available
Public Comment: 2 in attendance. No comment
Communications: None
Public Hearing Meeting closed at 7:07
No further comment or discussion.
Motion by Gurr to recommend change to township board for approval. 2nd by Swan. Carried (5,0)
Meeting reopened at 7:10
New Business: ZA report June: 3 land use, 11 field checks, 0 attorney contact, 18 other public contacts, 0 violation
July: 7 land use, 15 field checks, 0 attorney contact, 21 other public contacts, 0 violation
Molby presented new zoning violation complaint form. Form will track violation and response by administrator.
Car Wash Vacuum discussion. Special use application process discussed. Owner will complete and submit to Molby for scheduling at future planning commission meeting.
Old Business: None
Public Comment: No additional comment.
Adjourn: Motion Johnson, 2nd Gurr. Carried (5,0)
Respectfully Submitted,
Bonnie Robbins
Helena Township Planning Commission Recording Secretary