Planning Commission Minutes June 6, 2024

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MINUTES:  June 06, 2024 @ 5:00pm  as amended and approved Aug. 1, 2024

Helena Township Planning Commission Meeting and Public Hearing

Call to Order:  Chair Sue Moglovkin called the meeting to order at 5:00pm.

Pledge of Allegiance:  All in room participated.

Roll Call:  All present, and Fay VandenBerg was introduced as the newest member of the Helena Township Planning Commission (HTPC).

Township Officials Present:  Butch Peeples and Bob Logee

Approval of Agenda:  Motion by member J. Gurr to approve as presented, seconded by

  1. Schafer. No further discussion. Motion approved unanimously.

Statement of Conflict of Interest:  No conflicts. 

 Approval of May 09, 2024 Minutes:  Motion by member B. Robbins, seconded by S. Moglovkin.  No further discussion.  Motion approved unanimously. 

Public Comment:

  1. Resident requested clarification regarding Short Term Rental (STR) decision by the HTPC to await STR guidance from the Michigan State House Bill number 5438 updates. The Michigan State House Bill “HO3372’23 **, S.B.5438, Section 11 may provide STR clarity applicable across the State of Michigan; 
  2. The Helena Township Supervisor indicated the Michigan State House bill was discussed at the Helena Township Board May 2024 meeting – not at the HTPC meeting. The decision to wait for the Michigan State House Bill “HO3372’23 **, S.B.5438, Section 11 was made at that meeting;
  3. A Clam Lake resident (and associates) offered to share their STR rental unit data gathering pro/con efforts;
  4. STRs of less than the seven day ordinance are a concern. As well, increasing number of people, noise and boisterous behavior at some rental units; 
  5. It was stated that there are 38 rental units on Clam Lake, of which 14 are in Helena Township;
  6. The Board asked Zoning Administrator, Bob Logee how many STR complaints he received with the last 10 (ten) years 18 months (as corrected at August 1 meeting), Bob indicated he has received 7 (seven);
  7. One Clam Lake resident mentioned their understanding that Helena Township does not have a contract with the Antrim County Sheriff. This individual did not remember to whom they spoke;
  8. Highlights of the updates and revisions to complete and finalize the Planning Commission Master Plan was reaffirmed and appreciation given to the Planning Commission members;
  9. Member J. Gurr pointed out that the three (3) minute/per person rule was not being adhered to at these meetings. Future efforts will be made to address this.


  • Bonnie Robbins advised she has received two (2) STR complaints in the last couple weeks, and Bonnie read them at the meeting;
  • Past and current efforts have been recognized by individual commission members to contact and work with home owners regarding STR concerns;
  • Currently there is no formal process/procedures to capture resident concerns about STR or other potential issues at the HTPC level. A project has begun to formally collect/capture and provide future solutions;
  • Bonnie Robbins Butch Peeples is working with individuals to obtain Zoom equipment for Helena Township (as corrected at August 1 meeting). This will enable Helena Township governing bodies to utilize Zoom meetings with an off-site Administrator;
  • Member J. Gurr reported to the HTPC that the Antrim County Planning Commission had reviewed the Helena Township Amendment to the Helena Township Zoning Ordinance concerning Renewable Energy Systems. No incompatibilities with the Antrim County Master Plan were found, and recommended the Helena Township Board approve the amendment.

New Business:

  • Zoning Administrator Report: Submission of monthly report completed.  No questions;
  • Zoning Administrator, B. Logee advised that the realtor representing Vista Ridge Properties has an interested party pursuing a wine tasting room option. No written documentation has been received by the HTPC;
  • RV Language: Helena Township Planning Committee members presented two (2) proposals of land usage specific to RVs for perusal and understanding.  Discussion ensued, and the topic was closed for additional data gathering, understanding and formal proposal.  This will be added to the Old Business section for discussion at the next regular HTPC meeting on August 1, 2024;
  • HTPC member B. Robbins indicated the attorney advised that if RV language is not addressed in Ordinance, the HTPC could enforce no parking of RV on vacant land.  Follow-up with the attorney is needed;
  • The need for land usage language for “Waterfront Vacant” and “Non-Waterfront Vacant” was identified; to be looked into for identification/clarification and potential ordinance updates.

 Old Business:

  • HTPC member B. Robbins made the motion to send the Renewable Energy Systems Amendment to the Helena Township Board seeking approval. Motion seconded by member S. Moglovkin. No future comment.  Motion approved unanimously. 

Public Comment:

  • New HTPC member acknowledged by resident;
  • HTPC members decided to cancel July meeting as it fell on July 4th. However, business concerns will continue as normal.  Next HTPC meeting will take place on August 1st, 2024.


  • Motion made by member Bonnie Robbins, seconded by Gordie Schaffer. June 06, 2024 meeting adjourned at 6:47pm.

Respectfully Submitted:

  • Jim Gurr and Fay VandenBerg