Township Board Minutes – August 11, 2011
Helena Township Board Meeting
August 11, 2011
The meeting was called to order at 7:03 PM by Penny Wagner and pledge of allegiance was said. Present: Wagner, Peterson, Gurr, Teague and Rice. Motion to approve agenda with addition of the library under new business by Gurr with support by Teague, motion carried. 38 people in audience.
Conflict of Interest: None
Public Comment: Robert Bryson, Linda Bicum, Mary Ann Stimpson, Mary Haley, Dan Rokenetz, Marge Businski, Carolyn Buxenstein, Nancy Cox, Dorothy Clore, Anne Seurynck, Becky Cann all gave public comment in support of the Helena Township Public Library becoming a district library.
Approval of minutes: Wagner made motion to approve as written the minutes from with support from Gurr and motion passed.
Treasurer’s Report: Library beginning balance as of July1, 2011 $76,107.07
Receipts $3,850.35
Disbursements $6,995.52
Bank balance as of 07/31/2011 $72,961.90
Two CD’s; $48,258.93 and $15,718.44
As of 07/31/2011, 2011 Total Assets $136,939.27
Total 2010 Millage $102,376.91
Township beginning balance as July 1, 2011 $257,875.95
Receipts $9,985.44
General Fund Disbursements $23,930.99
Cemetery & Bldg. $21,435.13
Total Disbursements $45,366.12
TOTAL BANK BALANCE as of July 31, 201 $222,495.27
Motion to approve treasurer’s report by Wagner, support by Gurr, motion carried.
Presentation of bills: Township: July1-31, 2011: $32397.25 and August 1-11, 2011: $11615.62
Speakers: None
Communications: Sheriff’s report for July, 2011 reviewed by Sheriff Dan Bean. Bean also presented board with and reviewed the Torch Fest report for the July 4th weekend.
Supervisor Wagner read letter from David Hulefeld with his concerns over the deficiencies of the plantings on the berm at the Alden Corners car wash. Zoning administrator Molby informed board that he had spoken with one of the owners of the car wash and they intend to address concerns in September.
Committee reports: Zoning administrator. Molby gave report.
Planning Commission: Trustee Gurr informed the board that a public hearing was held for the draft of the proposed changes to the zoning ordinance. Discussion on short term rentals was one of the topics discussed. The draft to be sent to the Antrim County Commissioners and adjacent townships for review.
Ambulance authority: Rick Teague reported that the ambulance authority is working on their millage renewal language/proposal.
Parks & Recreation: Casey McDowell, chairman of the Parks and Recreation Committee, presented the board with the committee’s project milestone tracking worksheet, task tracking worksheet, examples of Helena Township Parks and Recreation vision, mission, goals, objectives and action plan statement, draft of the Parks and Recreation Survey, draft of the notice for a public forum, and a request for funds in the amount of $1500.00. The board by consensus agreed to release the $1500.00 from the Parks budget.
Old business: None
New Business: Dorothy Clore read and presented the board with a resolution to proceed with becoming a participating Municipality in the Alden District Library. No action taken by the Helena Township Board. Discussion on the District Library proposal ensued.
Rice made motion to send concerns to Township lawyer for review, with permission for a one time contact with the library lawyer to discuss concerns and opinions. Support by Wagner. Roll call vote three ayes, Rice, Wagner, Teague and two no’s Peterson and Gurr.
Supervisor Wagner asked the board about persons who have approached her about doing community service. Discussion followed and Peterson is to contact Township insurance carrier; Burnham and Flower, for advice on requirements for workman’s compensation and liability insurance coverage for persons doing community service at the township.
Peterson informed board of an inquiry of present ownership of a cemetery plot in the Helena Township Cemetery from an heir of the person who originally purchased the plot. Discussion followed. Wagner to contact township lawyer for best practices for transferring ownership through heirs and possible update and changes to current Helena Township Cemetery deed language.
Peterson informed board of the need to mark the corners of the cemetery plots for future sale as well as plots currently used. Two inch aluminum plot markers with a cross for id which can be fitted onto ½” rebar are available through Berntsen at a cost of $2.50 each for 300 or more. Rice made the motion with support by Teague to purchase 300 of the two inch aluminum plot markers and rebar to install the markers. Motion carried.
Supervisor Wagner informed the board of a request from Dorothy Walter for rules for weddings and events at the Depot Park concerning noise and conduct. Discussion followed. The public access rules and regulations (7:00 AM to 11:00 PM) are in effect for the Depot Park.
Gurr made the motion to approve the wind turbine ordinance with support by Wagner and motion carried.
Wagner informed board that the 20 year old cemetery millage expired December 2010 and that the road millage and the building millages will expire at the end of 2011. Discussion followed. Gurr made the motion to renew and revise the millage language for the cemetery millage and the building millage with support by Wagner. Roll call vote was five ayes for all five board members.
Additional Public Comment: Linda Bicum spoke in support of the library becoming a district library.
Motion to pay bills by Wagner, support Gurr, and motion passed.
Meeting adjourned at 9:18 PM.
Respectfully submitted, Helena Township Clerk
David G. Peterson Jr.
David G. Peterson Jr.