Township Board Minutes – February 14, 2013
Helena Township Board Meeting
February 14, 2013
Meeting was called to order with the Pledge of Allegiance by clerk, David Peterson. Present: Catherine Rice, David Peterson and Butch Bartz. Absent: Rick Teague and Bonnie Robbins. There were two audience members. Motion to approve agenda with amendments by Rice, support by Bartz.
Conflict of Interest/Public Comment: None.
Approval of minutes: Rice made the motion to approve the minutes as presented with support by Bartz. Motion carried.
Treasurers Report: Township: Beginning balance as of Jan1, 2013 $361.278.57
Receipts $ 61,890.89
Disbursements $ 66,226.78
Bank balance 1/31/13 $356,942.68
Road CD $ 70,000.00
Motion to approve Treasurers report by Peterson, support Bartz. Motion carried.
Presentation of bills: January 1-31, 2013 $ 57,562.64
February 1-14, 2013 $ 6,555.34
Speakers: 3 Lakes Association representative Leslie Meyers attended the meeting for the purpose of securing a contract and MOA for the Milfoil project at the docks. Motion by Bartz, supported by Rice to sign the contract. All were in favor. Motion carried and contract signed. Motion by Bartz, supported by Peterson to sign the MOU. All were in favor. Motion carried and contract signed.
Communications: Sheriffs report was available for board review.
Committee reports: Zoning Administrator Molby gave a report for January 2013 and a comparison report from 1997 to present on all Zoning activity as well as Land Division. Molby stated that the Walker property project is starting at square one and will be acquiring new permits to start the process.
The Planning Commission did not meet in January. No Ambulance or Parks & Rec report.
New Business: Resolution #21413 from the Assessor to allow taxpayers to contact the Board of Review via letter as well as in person. Motion by Peterson, support Rice. Roll call vote: Peterson-yes, Rice-yes, Bartz-yes. Adopted.
Resolution #21413A allowing poverty status under State guidelines for property tax payment exemption for all or part of property tax.. Motion by Rice, support Peterson. Roll call vote: Peterson-yes, Rice-yes, Bartz-yes. Adopted.
Reviewed contract with The Health Dept. to take water samples for a fee of $315.00. More information is being gathered concerning the sites and additional fees. Tabled until the March meeting.
Shorts to Shorts Kayak Paddle requested permission for 2 Porta Johns at their expense at the Docks in May. Motion by Rice, support Bartz for permission. All were in favor—carried.
Clerk Peterson acquired bids from Inacomp for a new computer, monitor, keyboard, mouse and software for $1302.90, and a bid from Intuit for a payroll module update and Quick Book program at a cost of $530.27. Motion by Peterson, supported by Bartz to purchase both. Motion carried.
Public comment: Jim Gurr asked about the District Library letter concerning the roofa response has been written. He also reported that he and Trustee Robbins had attended the Watershed Council meeting at camp Hay-o-wen-ta. He was concerned with the proposal to seek authority to draw down the level of Torch Lake by two feet. It was stated by Mark Stone this could not be done, but Gurr encouraged voicing an opinion if the occasion should arise.
Motion to pay bills: Bartz motioned with support by Peterson. Carried.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:45 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
David G. Peterson, Clerk