Township Board Minutes for August 13, 2009
Helena Township Board Meeting August 13, 2009
The meeting was called to order at 7pm by Supervisor Wagner, the pledge of allegiance was said. Present: Rice, Frank, Wagner, Gurr, Teague (arrived at 7:40, Gurr left at 7:45 for ZBA mtg). Audience: 22. Motion to approve agenda with changes by Gurr, support Frank, all in favor. Public comment: E. Oshaben questioned PATL & Elder Road access. Motion to approve minutes of July meeting by Gurr, support by Wagner, all in favor. Treasurer’s report: Library beginning balance July 1st $ 64,070.11 Receipts 4,406.16 Disbursements 9,516.94 Ending bank balance 58,959.33 CD 46,417.12 CD 15,379.41 Total asset availability $ 120,755.86
Township beginning balance $316,883.76 Receipts 17,596.39 Disbursements 37,808.31 Ending balance $296,671.84 Motion to approve Treasurer’s report by Wagner, support Gurr, all in favor. Presentation of bills: Township; July in addition $6,019.94 August $26,115.15 Library; July $ 9,516.94 August $ 9,875.97 Fire; August $4,451.79 Speakers: B. Bartz Jr. spoke on behalf of PATL (Preservation Assoc of Thayer Lake). H. Riley spoke on behalf of the Alden Volunteers for the observation deck project. Communications: STLFD, Sheriff’s report, Sunset Estate Assoc. Committee reports: G. Molby presented report to board early, as he attended ZBA meeting, Gurr updated board on planning commission, Teague updated on Ambulance Authority. Old Business: Observation Deck, motion by Gurr to approve the expenditure of not to exceed $1780.00 towards the observation deck, with the stipulation of products to be used, and line of site to be kept open, support by Wagner, all in favor. Recycle bin, motion by Rice to place on west side of building, support by Wagner, all in favor. New Business: Elder road access was tabled for more information. FOL request of splitting costs of new chairs, at this time township cannot afford expense. Announcements: Lewiston will be touring Alden, Thursday 20th, Very impressed with the “look” of Alden. Additional public comment: Questioned if cedar rail fencing on Lone Tree Pte will block walker’s “path”, answer is no. P. Sak gave update on Friends of Clam Lake, questioned when website will be updated for public notices and minutes. L. Sak asked about disposal of leaves this fall, township is not responsible. E. Oshaben asked if dumping behind Community Center is an option? NO. C. Alspaugh updated STLFD news, trying for grants. M. Lee thanked the township for placement of recycle bins. Motion to pay bills by Wagner, support Teague, all in favor. Meeting adjourned at 8:10pm. Respectfully submitted,
V. Ferol Frank, Helena Township Clerk Helena Township Board Meeting August 13, 2009
The meeting was called to order at 7pm by Supervisor Wagner, the pledge of allegiance was said. Present: Rice, Frank, Wagner, Gurr, Teague (arrived at 7:40, Gurr left at 7:45 for ZBA mtg). Audience: 22. Motion to approve agenda with changes by Gurr, support Frank, all in favor. Public comment: E. Oshaben questioned PATL & Elder Road access. Motion to approve minutes of July meeting by Gurr, support by Wagner, all in favor. Treasurer’s report: Library beginning balance July 1st $ 64,070.11 Receipts 4,406.16 Disbursements 9,516.94 Ending bank balance 58,959.33 CD 46,417.12 CD 15,379.41 Total asset availability $ 120,755.86
Township beginning balance $316,883.76 Receipts 17,596.39 Disbursements 37,808.31 Ending balance $296,671.84 Motion to approve Treasurer’s report by Wagner, support Gurr, all in favor. Presentation of bills: Township; July in addition $6,019.94 August $26,115.15 Library; July $ 9,516.94 August $ 9,875.97 Fire; August $4,451.79 Speakers: B. Bartz Jr. spoke on behalf of PATL (Preservation Assoc of Thayer Lake). H. Riley spoke on behalf of the Alden Volunteers for the observation deck project. Communications: STLFD, Sheriff’s report, Sunset Estate Assoc. Committee reports: G. Molby presented report to board early, as he attended ZBA meeting, Gurr updated board on planning commission, Teague updated on Ambulance Authority. Old Business: Observation Deck, motion by Gurr to approve the expenditure of not to exceed $1780.00 towards the observation deck, with the stipulation of products to be used, and line of site to be kept open, support by Wagner, all in favor. Recycle bin, motion by Rice to place on west side of building, support by Wagner, all in favor. New Business: Elder road access was tabled for more information. FOL request of splitting costs of new chairs, at this time township cannot afford expense. Announcements: Lewiston will be touring Alden, Thursday 20th, Very impressed with the “look” of Alden. Additional public comment: Questioned if cedar rail fencing on Lone Tree Pte will block walker’s “path”, answer is no. P. Sak gave update on Friends of Clam Lake, questioned when website will be updated for public notices and minutes. L. Sak asked about disposal of leaves this fall, township is not responsible. E. Oshaben asked if dumping behind Community Center is an option? NO. C. Alspaugh updated STLFD news, trying for grants. M. Lee thanked the township for placement of recycle bins. Motion to pay bills by Wagner, support Teague, all in favor. Meeting adjourned at 8:10pm. Respectfully submitted,
V. Ferol Frank, Helena Township Clerk |