Township Board Minutes – October 14th, 2010
Helena Township Board Meeting
October 14th, 2010
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Supervisor Wagner and pledge of allegiance was said. Present: Peterson, Wagner, Gurr, Teague. Motion to approve agenda by Teague with support by Gurr, motion carried.
Public Comment from Virginia Gorno presented the board with a letter and petition to pave S. Cemetary Road. Discussion followed. Township now pays 100% for cost of paving roads. Paving will have to wait until a renewal road millage is proposed and passed.
Jack Crawford spoke about needed road repairs on Crystal Springs Road.
Bruce Gillissie spoke about paying out of pocket expenses for repairs to his driveway entrance on S. Cemetary Road after heavy rains.
Rob Silk from Arndt Electric commented on recent work completedon downtown street lights locating the splice and making it accessible in an underground vault. The individual street lights do not have individual in line fuses. Estimate of $1700.00 to install in line fuses. Decision tabled until the November township board meeting.
Approval of minutes: Gurr made motion to approve the minutes as written, support from Teague. Motion carried.
Treasurer’s Report: Library beginning balance as of August 31, 2010 $56,423.46
Receipts $550.96
Disbursements $8,458.41
Bank balance as of 08/31/10 $48,516.01
Two CD’s; $46,417.12 and $15,614.96
Total 2009 MILLAGE $105,813.56
As of August 31, 2010 Total Assets $110,548.09
Township beginning balance as August 31,2010 $233,725.19
Receipts $2,510.77
General Fund Disbursements $15,822.71
Cemetery $843.56
Building $4,063.18
Total Disbursements $20,729.45
TOTAL BANK BALANCE AS OF AUGUST 31, 2010 $215,506.51
ROAD CD $50,000.00
TOTAL ASSETS AS OF AUGUST 31, 2010 $265,506.51
Motion to approve treasurer’s report by Wagner, support Gurr, motion carried.
Presentation of bills: Township September 1-30, 2010: $9.825.27 and October 1-14, 2010: $4,413.62. Library reported spending $9,169.26 and the TLFD reported spending $1,487.87.
Speakers: None
Communications: Sheriff’s report. Proposal on ballot for the General Election, Nov.2, to increase the surcharge from $1.97 to $2.91 due to state cutback for the county wide 911 service.
Received letter from Marjorie and Robert Businski complaining of issues with neighbor’s weekly rentors including trespassing. Discussion followed.
Received letter form Nancy Mitchell requesting to purchase plantings for in front of the bell at the Community Center. Gurr made motion to approve spending up to $100.00 with support from Wagner and motion carried.
Committee reports: Zoning administrator Molby reported one zoning violations and that action had been taken for resolution.
Planning Commission: Jim Gurr reported that a list was sent to Bzdok form the planning commission for review and possible changes for amending the zoning ordinance.
Ambulance authority: Rick Teague updated that the ambulance authority had reviewed construction bids for the renovation of the old fire barn in Mancelona and that the approved bids would be sent out.
Old business: Peterson presented bids from Todd’s Tree Service for tennis court park, depot park, community center and cemetery. Discussion followed. Wagner made motion to have the work done at the cemetery as the first priority with support from Gurr and motion carried. Review of remainder bids at next month’s board meeting.
Peterson reviewed bid from Ferguson and Chamberlain for resurveying all of Helena Township properties and road end public accesses. Total cost estimate is $11,600.00. Decision to be made at the November Township Board meeting for which property to be resurveyed first.
Peterson reviewed bids form Tri-County for new driveway on both sides of recycle bins and drains and drain line at the community center. Motion by Peterson with support from Gurr to have Tri-County go ahead with work amounting to $4936.00 and motion passed.
Peterson reported that the pilots to the kitchen range had blown out and the gas had collected overnight as reported by a member of the library staff. Discussion followed and a closure will be added to the outside kitchen door.
New Business: Subject of snow plowing contract and bids for the 2010/2011 winter for the community center and parking area on Park Street was discussed. Peterson made motion to write and publish notice of bid for snowplowing with support from Teague and motion carried. Write contract and review bids for snowplowing on the agenda under old business for the November Township Board meeting.
Peterson reviewed bid from Arndt Electric Service to supply and install 4 (four) exit/emergency lights at front and rear entrances to the community center for $762.00. Motion made by Peterson with support by Teague and motion carried.
Announcements: None.
Additional Public Comment: None.
Motion to pay bills by Wagner, support Gurr, and motion passed.
Meeting adjourned at 8:40 PM.
Respectfully submitted, Helena Township Clerk
David G. Peterson Jr.