Township Board Minutes – September 8, 2011
Helena Township Board Meeting
September 8, 2011
The meeting was called to order at 7:01 PM by Penny Wagner and pledge of allegiance was said. Present: Wagner, Peterson, Gurr, Teague and Rice. Motion to approve agenda by Gurr and support by Teague, motion carried.
Conflict of Interest: None
Public Comment: Kathy Masck inquired as to what the township attorney had reported on questions on District Library.
Approval of minutes: Teague made motion to approve as written the minutes from the special meeting with support from Gurr and motion passed. Wagner made the motion to approve as written minutes from the regular township board meeting with support from Gurr and motion passed.
Treasurer’s Report: Library beginning balance as of August 1, 2011 $72,961.90
Receipts $391.97
Disbursements $8551.77
Bank balance as of 06/30/2011 $64,802.10
Two CD’s; $48,258.93 and $15,718.44
As of 06/30/2011, 2011 Total Assets $128,779.47
Total 2010 Millage $102,370.00
Township beginning balance as August 1, 2011 $222,495.27
Receipts $20,038.94
General Fund Disbursements $22,411.52
Cemetery & Bldg. $6,802.00
Total Disbursements $29,213.52
TOTAL BANK BALANCE as of August 31, 2011 $213,320.69
Motion to approve treasurer’s report by Gurr, support by Teague, motion carried.
Presentation of bills: Township: August 1-31, 2011: $18,379.20 and September 1-8, 2011: $4,031.38
Speakers: None
Communications: Sheriff’s report reviewed. District Library information from Township attorney was received. Gurr informed board that Helena Township would host the March, 2012 MTA meeting on the 3rd Tuesday of March, 2012.
Committee reports: Zoning administrator. Molby gave report
Planning Commission: Jim Swan reported that the planning commission completed the new changes to the zoning ordinance and sent to township attorney for final review before being sent to the Antrim County Planning Commission for review and approval.
Ambulance authority: Rick Teague reported that ambulance authority received ballet language from 9 townships for millage renewal in November, 2011 election
Parks & Recreation: No report
Old business: Community Service, Alden docks
Wagner informed board that individuals seeking to do community service would not be accepted from institutions. Peterson informed board that DNR representative Paul Petersen requested that the existing gap between the step and the seawall on the new floating docks had to be removed.
New Business: None
Announcements: Fundraiser for the Watershed Center – benefit dinner at Siren Hall/Elk Rapids
Additional Public Comment:
Motion to pay bills by Wagner, support by Teague, and motion passed.
Meeting adjourned at 7:29 PM.
Respectfully submitted, Helena Township Clerk
David G. Peterson Jr.
David G. Peterson Jr.